
Monday, December 18, 2006

Scumfeast zine returns

Those of you who were around in the early '90s may remember the Scumfeast that used to take place at The Caboose in Garner. Organizer Wolf also put out a zine of the same name, which he has now resurrected on Myspace. My more liberal friends will probably get their hackles up over Wolf's political commentary, but stay with him and give him a chance. He knows his stuff about local punk and metal, and his reviews -- particularly the restaurant reviews -- are pretty funny.

1 comment:

  1. Wolf wrote me to give this correction:

    Just a correction for you. SCUMFEAST is the zine from the mid to late 90s. SCUMFEST was the music fest that Andy did at the Caboose. As far as Liberals or Liberal/Socialist/Fascist ideals go. I bite the life out of em. I'm a Libertarian. Now as far as the restaurant reviews go, thank you. But now I'm running out of places to dine at that I don't care for.
