
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Volume 11 is cool

Actually, I'm a little conflicted about telling folks to go to Volume 11 Tavern. The place is so nice and so clean (my friend K rightly declared you could eat off the ladies room floor) that I kind of don't want a bunch of people in there trashing the place. Still, with Kings closing, it's great to find another club that's clean, professional, has a great sound system, good beer selection (cash bar only, though) and is willing to take a chance on bands like Kolyma and Hem of His Garment. It's also easy to get to: just take S. Saunders Street south of downtown and turn right on Maywood, or Lake Wheeler Road south of downtown and left on Maywood. It's not too far from the Farmer's Market. So, go there. Just don't puke on the floor or steal the hair care products from the ladies room. Kolyma was a (wo)man down that night (Jennifer was sick), so this video isn't truly representative of them. Hem of His Garment is interesting in theory: about 10-12 people, all guitars, basses, some keyboards and a sax all making noise. But it was a very slow build up with everyone playing what sounded like the same thing, without any distinctive layers, so it lost my attention pretty quick. It would make great background music for a movie, so I think they should consider incorporating film or other visuals into their show. We left after about 20 minutes, so perhaps it became more interesting after that. Actually, the best part of the entire evening was, as we were walking out, noticing that there was one spot near the bar where, if you stood a certain way, HOHG's noise would actually shake your lungs. It didn't happen anywhere else in the club. Just there. Anyway, here's the Kolyma video:

Kolyma from Mann's World on Vimeo.

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