Sunday, October 07, 2007

Manchild 3/Melvins CD released

I just got my copy of Brian Walsby's Manchild 3, which partially chronicles his adventures on the road last year with The Melvins. The book, which was released by Bifocal Media, also includes a pretty rare eight-song CD of early demos by The Melvins. Walsby got a copy of the demos when they were released in 1987 and held on to them, even after the band lost theirs, and eventually ended up with the only copy. So, for fans of the band, and fans of Walsby's atwork, this is a must-have. Check out Dime Lined Divide, from the CD -- as well as other Bifocal Media stuff such as Des Ark and The Cherry Valence -- on the label's Myspace page.

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