
Saturday, February 06, 2010

Why Max Indian is my new favorite band

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that last night I tweeted that "Max Indian makes me feel like I've just discovered music." That wasn't the PBR talking. Max Indian is my new favorite band, and I believe the best band in the Triangle, because they make me feel the way I felt at about age 11 when music became something more than something I heard on the radio in the car with my mom. It became something something comforting and energizing. Something to analyze and obsess over. Something to inspire me to read the liner notes of my brother's and uncle's records, to learn the connections between bands, and read magazines like Creem and Rolling Stone.

For me that happened around 1977, which is why I still unappollogetically love Kansas, The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Jackson Browne, Hall & Oates and Boston. If Max Indian had been around during that time, my brother and my uncle (may they both rest in peace) would have worn out more than one copy of the band's 8-track while cruising the Circle in Atlantic Beach. And I, wanting to be just like them, would have thought they were the greatest band in the world. Which is why they're my favorite band now.

Max Indian - "I Ought to get a Camera" from Mann's World on Vimeo.

My old college buddy Jac Cain, soundman at the Pour House, apparently like Max Indian a lot too - or at least he really likes this song, which is what the banter at the beginning of the video is all about.

Max Indian - "Whatever Goes Up" from Mann's World on Vimeo.

At last night's Double Barrel Benefit for WKNC, I also got to experience two other bands I hadn't seen before, Bellafea, who I liked, and Light Pines, who I absolutely loved. That's not surprising considering that Light Pines is made up of three members of Max Indian and three members of The Love Language, whose debut CD was my top release of the year. Looking forward to checking these guys out again.

Two songs by Light Pines from Mann's World on Vimeo.

Bellafea from Mann's World on Vimeo.


  1. awesome pics...i thought that was you at the front of the stage. yes, light pines are super stars.

  2. If you see me tonight, say hey.
