Sunday, February 05, 2012

Photos and video from the Bull City Metal Fest

(Shadow of the Destroyer, night two)

Here are a few photos and some videos from this weekend's 2nd Annual Bull City Metal Fest, which took place at the Casbah in Durham. I admit that I originally wasn't as excited about this year's line up as I was about last year's. But I think I had a better time this year. I got to see a few local bands I'd somehow missed (Bitter Resolve, Knives), experienced the amazing Body/Braveyoung collaboration, and ended the weekend with one of my favorite current bands, Black Tusk. My only recommendations for improving the weekend would be to spread it out over three days, either Thursday-Saturday nights, or Friday and Saturday with an afternoon show on Sunday. A 10-hour show on Saturday is just too much for me. 

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