Thursday, October 06, 2011

Photos and video of The Atlas Moth and KEN Mode

The Atlas Moth's "An Ache for the Distance" was one of my most-anticipated albums of the year, and it totally lived up to my expectations, so I was really looking forward to their show at Nightlight. The only other time I had seen them was during the disappointing Kings show with Nachtmystium and Zoroaster about a year ago. The difference between last year's show and this year's was like night and day. The band sounded good, the crowd was larger and more appreciative, and the photos were much better -- even with the band's psychedelic LED light show. 

I was certainly aware of KEN Mode, who have been getting a lot of press lately, but I'l admit their recorded music didn't really grab me. The aggressive and angular live show, however, was a whole 'nother story, and made me want to give them another listen. See more photos

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