Yes, you read that right. This is from a bulletin Gary sent out earlier:
Believe it or not, it's true.
The T's are playing this Wednesday, 12/3, at The BASSMENT (407 Glenwood Ave, next to Helio's).
Red Bull is sponsoring this show in an effort to expose The T's to an entirely new audience.
It's FREE and we'd love to see you there.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Video of Pinche Gringo
Last night I saw Pinche Gringo at Slim's, and though I'm tempted to classify him as a one-man band, I understand he normally performs with his girlfriend. So, even though he calls himself a one-man band on his myspace page, that's not exactly correct. Regardless, Pinche Gringo is the alter ego of Josh Johnson, who drummed for the late, great Spinns. Johnson retains his old band's garage-y rawness; he just strips it down to the barest of the bare essentials (guitar, mic, bass drum and snare drum). In some ways you could compare him to Shake It Like a Caveman, but while Shake It is in the R.L. Burnside school of gutter blues, Pinche is firmly in Hasil Adkins territory. Check out the video below.
Pinche Gringo from Mann's World on Vimeo.
"pinche gringo"
Thursday, November 27, 2008
FKON protesting Prop 8
Durham's Future Kings of Nowhere has found a unique way to protest California's Proposition 8, and are hoping other folks join them in the national protest:
***If you're getting this it's because you are in a band or know someone who is. Please pass it along to anyone else you know who fits this description.***
Hey folks!
I'm not sure if you know this already, but on Dec. 10th, there is going to be a national strike/boycott/volunteer movement to protest the incredible injustice of Prop 8 and similar rulings that ban same-sex marriage across the country. As a musician, what I have decided to do (in addition to skipping out on my job for the day), is to record a short blurb that says something like this:
"Hi, this is Shayne from The Future Kings of Nowhere. You WOULD be hearing one of our songs right now, but we are joining with our brothers and sisters across the country in a nationwide strike to protest the injustice of Proposition 8 and similar rulings across the country that ban same-sex marriage....etc, etc." (for the full text of what I plan to say, see the bottom of this email)
My intent is to deliver this recording to the local radio stations and have them play it in lieu of any Future Kings songs they might otherwise have played on Dec. 10th. DJ Stevo has already agreed to help out with this at WKNC and I'm talking to folks at WXDU and WXYC about it now. I'm telling you all of this because I would really like for this to be more than one band going on strike for the day, and you are either in a band or know someone who is (or both!). Would your band be willing to go on strike for the day with us? I'll collect these blurbs (in mp3 format) from as many bands as I can and bring them to the radio stations to help spread the message about what is happening in the name of equal rights.
You can send the mp3s to me at Or, if it makes it easier for you, I'll come to where you are and record you directly onto my laptop. It would only take a few minutes, and I don't mind traveling around to collect them. To set this up, either drop me an email at or call me at (919) 923-6230.
If you could, please please please forward this email to everyone you know who is involved in the music industry. Imagine what a powerful statement we could make if all of the local bands in the Triangle went on strike together for a day!
Thank you!
Shayne O'Neill
The Future Kings of Nowhere
If you want some ideas for your blurb, the full text of what we plan to say will be something like this (I may edit it a bit from here, but this is the general idea):
"Hi, this is Shayne from The Future Kings of Nowhere. You WOULD be hearing one of our songs right now, but we are joining with our brothers and sisters across the country in a nationwide strike to protest the injustice of Proposition 8 and similar rulings across the country that ban same-sex marriage. Our country was founded on the idea of equal rights for all of its citizens, but it has not always lived up to that ideal. Only 40 years ago, it was illegal for black people and white people to marry one another. Fortunately, good people came together on both sides of the color line and fought for equal rights. Today a similar fight is going on over same-sex marriage. Our society holds marriage up as the end goal for relationships, as the ultimate expression of love between two individuals, which makes it horrible that we then refuse to allow certain people to participate in that expression, simply because of their gender. It's hard enough to find love in this world, and even harder to make it last. Why then, would we deny anyone the chance to try? For more information on what you can do to ensure that everyone in this country is provided the same legal rights, please go to or call your local representative to let them know that you support same-sex marriage in North Carolina and the United States. Thank you."
***If you're getting this it's because you are in a band or know someone who is. Please pass it along to anyone else you know who fits this description.***
Hey folks!
I'm not sure if you know this already, but on Dec. 10th, there is going to be a national strike/boycott/volunteer movement to protest the incredible injustice of Prop 8 and similar rulings that ban same-sex marriage across the country. As a musician, what I have decided to do (in addition to skipping out on my job for the day), is to record a short blurb that says something like this:
"Hi, this is Shayne from The Future Kings of Nowhere. You WOULD be hearing one of our songs right now, but we are joining with our brothers and sisters across the country in a nationwide strike to protest the injustice of Proposition 8 and similar rulings across the country that ban same-sex marriage....etc, etc." (for the full text of what I plan to say, see the bottom of this email)
My intent is to deliver this recording to the local radio stations and have them play it in lieu of any Future Kings songs they might otherwise have played on Dec. 10th. DJ Stevo has already agreed to help out with this at WKNC and I'm talking to folks at WXDU and WXYC about it now. I'm telling you all of this because I would really like for this to be more than one band going on strike for the day, and you are either in a band or know someone who is (or both!). Would your band be willing to go on strike for the day with us? I'll collect these blurbs (in mp3 format) from as many bands as I can and bring them to the radio stations to help spread the message about what is happening in the name of equal rights.
You can send the mp3s to me at Or, if it makes it easier for you, I'll come to where you are and record you directly onto my laptop. It would only take a few minutes, and I don't mind traveling around to collect them. To set this up, either drop me an email at or call me at (919) 923-6230.
If you could, please please please forward this email to everyone you know who is involved in the music industry. Imagine what a powerful statement we could make if all of the local bands in the Triangle went on strike together for a day!
Thank you!
Shayne O'Neill
The Future Kings of Nowhere
If you want some ideas for your blurb, the full text of what we plan to say will be something like this (I may edit it a bit from here, but this is the general idea):
"Hi, this is Shayne from The Future Kings of Nowhere. You WOULD be hearing one of our songs right now, but we are joining with our brothers and sisters across the country in a nationwide strike to protest the injustice of Proposition 8 and similar rulings across the country that ban same-sex marriage. Our country was founded on the idea of equal rights for all of its citizens, but it has not always lived up to that ideal. Only 40 years ago, it was illegal for black people and white people to marry one another. Fortunately, good people came together on both sides of the color line and fought for equal rights. Today a similar fight is going on over same-sex marriage. Our society holds marriage up as the end goal for relationships, as the ultimate expression of love between two individuals, which makes it horrible that we then refuse to allow certain people to participate in that expression, simply because of their gender. It's hard enough to find love in this world, and even harder to make it last. Why then, would we deny anyone the chance to try? For more information on what you can do to ensure that everyone in this country is provided the same legal rights, please go to or call your local representative to let them know that you support same-sex marriage in North Carolina and the United States. Thank you."
"future Kings of Nowhere"
Not music, but still cool
Folks, I've been to the Downtown Designers' Market before, and I can say it's a great place to get unique local gifts. Here's the release I got from local designer Mary Michelle Little. Check it out:
Hello, and Happy Thanksgiving! It's almost here, and will mark the beginning of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. To help get you in the mood, we're holding the Designers Downtown Market next Saturday, November 29th. Yes, we'll be back with some of your favorite designers and artists, as well as a few new ones. So come on down and begin your holiday shopping while supporting local artists who handcraft their own work.
When: Sat, Nov. 29th (the Sat just after Thanksgiving) 9:00am until 3:00pm
Where: 509 and 600 N. West Streets, parking lots of Ornamentea and Purple Armchair
What: you'll find amazing, unique and some one-of-a-kind items including pottery, jewelry, clothing, baby items, mixed media art and prints, hand stamped paper goods, blown glass and lampwork beads, hand felted hats and scarves, hand made chocolates, embroidered items, handcrafted soaps and spice blends, windchimes, photography and much, much more!
So bring your relatives and your friends, and come on down for another fabulous Designers Downtown Market! By then you'll have worked up an appetite, so you can nibble on a banana and Nutella crepe, a veggie dog or a gourmet dog complete with handmade relish (what else would you expect?). Sip a steaming hot cup of coffee as you stroll the aisles and make your own wish list!
For more information, see our website at
Hello, and Happy Thanksgiving! It's almost here, and will mark the beginning of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. To help get you in the mood, we're holding the Designers Downtown Market next Saturday, November 29th. Yes, we'll be back with some of your favorite designers and artists, as well as a few new ones. So come on down and begin your holiday shopping while supporting local artists who handcraft their own work.
When: Sat, Nov. 29th (the Sat just after Thanksgiving) 9:00am until 3:00pm
Where: 509 and 600 N. West Streets, parking lots of Ornamentea and Purple Armchair
What: you'll find amazing, unique and some one-of-a-kind items including pottery, jewelry, clothing, baby items, mixed media art and prints, hand stamped paper goods, blown glass and lampwork beads, hand felted hats and scarves, hand made chocolates, embroidered items, handcrafted soaps and spice blends, windchimes, photography and much, much more!
So bring your relatives and your friends, and come on down for another fabulous Designers Downtown Market! By then you'll have worked up an appetite, so you can nibble on a banana and Nutella crepe, a veggie dog or a gourmet dog complete with handmade relish (what else would you expect?). Sip a steaming hot cup of coffee as you stroll the aisles and make your own wish list!
For more information, see our website at
Cool shows this week: Pinche Gringo and more!
(Pinche Gringo, Saturday at Slim's)
Friday, Nov. 28: The Proclivities with Hammer No More the Fingers, The Pour House
The Proclivities make snappy, happy, head-bopping pop. Hammer No More the Fingers kind of make snappy, happy, head-bopping pop too, but they get a little crazier in the process. I imagine them wearing blazers and being from some bleak English town, but instead they're from Durham, so I guess they got the bleak part honest.
Friday, Nov. 28: Blankface (reunion show) with I Was Totally Destroying It, Local 506
I don't know the first thing about Blankface, but apparently they're having a reunion show, so if you missed them, this show is for you. IWTDI is going to be the biggest band in America within six months. After hearing "Done Waiting," I can't figure out why they're not the biggest band in America right now.
Saturday, Nov. 29: Jucifer with Black Skies, Volume 11
Despite my love of loud, heavy rock, Jucifer has always left me cold (see my earlier post about Caltrop and how they DON'T rely on sludge for sludge's sake). Black Skies, will melt your ears and have you begging for more.
Saturday, Nov. 29: Thad Cockrell with Bright Young Things and The Moderate, The Pour House
One of the best alt-country songwriters around, and with with a beautifully smooth, sweet voice, Thad deserves to be a lot more well-known than he is.
Saturday, Nov. 29: The Loners with Pinche Gringo, Slim's
The Loners always pack the house, and put on a great show. I don't know what to make of Pinche Gringo. Pinche Gringo is awesome, sloppy, lo-fi garage rock from the drummer for The Spinns, who apparently moved to Mexico, formed a band, and then brought the band back with him.
Monday, Dec. 1: Annihilation Time with Double Negative, Logic Problem, Tooth and Sir Arthur & the Royal Knights, Volume 11
Annihilation Time is hilarious, offensive and rockin all in equal measure. I just can't figure out how Sir Arthur fits into this.
Wednesday, Dec. 3: O'Death with Megafaun and Prayers and Tears (Perry solo), Local 506
Dec. 4: FKON, Tir na Nog
Dec. 5 Magic Babies with Static Minds and The Huguenots, Slim's
Static Minds are formerly Suburban Sweethearts, now with Andy Kerr of The T's on guitar.
Saturday, Dec. 6: Viva la Venus, Dive Bar
Saturday, Dec. 6: American Aquarium, The Pour House
Dec. 6: Death Metal Fest, Volume 11
I waiting for Volume 11 to send out more info on this Death Metal Fest. Or maybe it would just be better to go and be surprised.
, Saturday, Dec. 6: Reservoir 4-year anniversary party
With Transportation, Fin Fang Foom, Caltrop and Monsonia
Dec. 6: Goner with Here Lies, Slim's
Now here's an odd double-bill: Angry synth-rock (Goner) and death metal (Here Lies). Should be a fun night.
Saturday, Dec. 6: Actual Persons (Living or Dead) with Basalt and Roxcetera, Bull City HQ
Sunday, Dec. 7: Chip Robinson, Sadlack's
Monday, Dec. 8: Off with Their Heads and Dear Landlord, Bull City HQ
Saturday, Dec. 12: Old Habits Mayhem Holiday Bash, The Pour House
Dec. 13: Nikki Meets the Hibachi (Early); Dirty Little Heaters with The Loners (late), The Cave
Monday, Dec. 15: Trekky Records presents Christmas at the Cradle
With the Trekky Yuletide Orchestra, which now has its own CD.
Saturday, Dec. 19: Chatham County Line Holiday Ho Down, The Pour House
Dec. 20: Evil Wiener Christmas show, The Cave
Sunday, Dec. 20: Pinche Gringo with Dirty Little Heaters, Local 506
Dec. 20: Patty Hurst Shifter, Slim's
Thursday, Dec. 25: Terry Anderson's 9th Annual Christmas Throwdown, The Pour House
Dec. 27: Colossus with Hellrazor, Slim's
Colossus is a must-see for Judas Priest fans. Hellrazor describes themselves as "breakneck heavy metal" on their myspace page, and that pretty much describes the music I've heard by them.
Wednesday, Dec. 31: Urban Sophisticates, The Pour House
Check out the footage my former colleague Rob Roberts got of Urban Sophisticates a couple of years ago.
Wednesday, Dec. 31: Kerbloki, Red Collar, Hammer No More the Fingers, Local 506
Jan. 9: North Elementary CD-release party, Cat's Cradle
With guests Kingsbury Manx, Erie Choir and Popular Kids (stand-up comedy)
Jan. 14: Viva La Venus, Lactose Quervo and HOW, The Pour House
Jan 16: Transportation, Slim's
I have, until now, not been aware of Transportation, but when I googled them, I found reviews by esteemed local critics David Menconi, Ross Grady and Grayson Currin. Apparently they're a soft-ish pop group from Chapel Hill, with a CD out on Demonbeach. CORRECTION: This CD is on Fractured Discs.
Jan 21: Vic Chesnutt, Local 506
"cool upcoming shows"
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Cover Up is now Raleigh Undercover
This happened a few days ago, but due to holiday traveling and birthday revelry, I'm just now getting around to it. David Menconi has the details about the final name for the event on his blog , and the event even has its own facebook page.
"raleigh undercover"
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanks to Dirty Little Heaters and Sir Arthur!
(Dirty Little Heaters)
Thanks so much to everyone who came out to Slim's last night to help me celebrate my birthday! I had a blast, and I was so excited to introduce Dirty Little Heaters and Sir Arthur & the Royal Knights to several of my friends who hadn't seen them before. Both bands totally rocked, but Sir Arthur in particular were tighter than I'd ever seen them before. They need to wear those ruffled shirts at every show!
(Sir Arthur & the Royal Knights)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
New record label: Misbehaved Records
Kim Gray of Subdivision 67 (and easily the hardest-working woman in Durham rock) has a new label called Misbehaved Records, and The Virgo 9 is her first signee! I'm looking forward to seeing what she does with this.
"misbehaved records",
"virgo 9"
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Confab over the Cover-up
I just found out about all this brouhaha last night. Apparently Tir na Nog, along with some local rockers/music fans, wanted to hold The Great Cover-Up this year, or early next. A spirited discussion ensued over at New Raleigh (a blog that I need to start reading since they seem to like using my photos) over whether or not the owners of Kings approved or even if the whole idea was even appropriate.
This morning I received an e-mail from Steve Popson, which I assume was sent to everyone on his list stating that the Kings owners are not involved in the event, and request that Tir na Nog not use the names "Great Cover Up" or "Cover Up" but otherwise wish the charity event success. (Full disclosure here: I'm involved with The Beehive, which is the charity organization that will be benefitted.)
My take: The owners of Kings don't want their name used. OK. Tir na Nog shouldn't use that name. But there's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't host a similar event (Lincoln Theatre did over the summer, and I didn't hear anyone complaining about that). And anyone who insists that "friends of Kings" won't go is just being plain silly. I consider myself to be a good friend of Kings, and I look forward to the day when they finally re-open, but I'm also looking forward to this new event, which sounds like it will be a lot of fun.
This morning I received an e-mail from Steve Popson, which I assume was sent to everyone on his list stating that the Kings owners are not involved in the event, and request that Tir na Nog not use the names "Great Cover Up" or "Cover Up" but otherwise wish the charity event success. (Full disclosure here: I'm involved with The Beehive, which is the charity organization that will be benefitted.)
My take: The owners of Kings don't want their name used. OK. Tir na Nog shouldn't use that name. But there's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't host a similar event (Lincoln Theatre did over the summer, and I didn't hear anyone complaining about that). And anyone who insists that "friends of Kings" won't go is just being plain silly. I consider myself to be a good friend of Kings, and I look forward to the day when they finally re-open, but I'm also looking forward to this new event, which sounds like it will be a lot of fun.
"great cover up",
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This week's cool shows: Viper, David Allan Coe and more!
Thursday, Nov. 13: David Allan Coe, Volume 11
One of the hardest working and rocking outlaw country artists around.
Thursday, Nov. 13: Black Skies, Slim's
Super HEAVY rock from Chapel Hill. With Pride Parade from Athens.
Thursday, Nov. 13: Brightblack Morning Light, Local 506
Trippy hippie duo from California (originally from Alabama) playing some serious psychedelic blues.
Friday, Nov. 14: Viper with Faith in Ashes and Soulpreacher, Berkeley Cafe
I've heard amazing things about Viper from Dio, who really is the local metal guru, and whose taste and opinions I always respect. I haven't seen these guys yet, but they seem to be in the same hard-rocking, classic-metal loving vein as Colossus. They also apparently cover Riot, which automatically makes them great in my book. As for Soulpreacher, check out the footage I shot of them last year.
Saturday, Nov. 15: Future Islands with Ear Pwr and Lonnie Walker, Local 506
Saturday, Nov. 15: Allister Fiend, Slim's
Motley Crue tribute
Sunday, Nov. 16: Legendary Shack Shakers, Berkeley Cafe
I saw these guys ages ago, and they put on a totally crazy show. Duane Dennison of the Jesus Lizard (one of my favorite bands ever), is their new guitarist.
Monday, Nov. 17: The Whistlestop, Pour House
Some mellow, local all-star alt-country for a Monday night.
Tuesday, Nov. 18: Man Will Destroy Himself Slim's
Thursday, Nov. 20: Strange Faces, Slim's
Tour kick-off party.
Nov. 21: Double Negative with Rocket Cottage Slim's
Raleigh's hardcore kings, soon to be heading to Europe and playing ATP.
Nov. 23: Karen Mann's Birthday Bash with Sir Arthur & the Royal Knights and Dirty Little Heaters Slim's
Come out and help yours truly celebrate with the fine, Nuggets-style rock of Sir Arthur, and the angry-female rawk of Dirty Little Heaters.
Nov. 26: Pre-Turkey Day bash with The Bronzed Chorus, Tir na Nog
One of my favorite new bands, from Greensboro.
Nov. 29: The Loners with Pinche Gringo, Slim's
Dec. 4: FKON, Tir na Nog
Dec. 6: Death Metal Fest, Volume 11
Thursday, Nov. 13: David Allan Coe, Volume 11
One of the hardest working and rocking outlaw country artists around.
Thursday, Nov. 13: Black Skies, Slim's
Super HEAVY rock from Chapel Hill. With Pride Parade from Athens.
Thursday, Nov. 13: Brightblack Morning Light, Local 506
Trippy hippie duo from California (originally from Alabama) playing some serious psychedelic blues.
Friday, Nov. 14: Viper with Faith in Ashes and Soulpreacher, Berkeley Cafe
I've heard amazing things about Viper from Dio, who really is the local metal guru, and whose taste and opinions I always respect. I haven't seen these guys yet, but they seem to be in the same hard-rocking, classic-metal loving vein as Colossus. They also apparently cover Riot, which automatically makes them great in my book. As for Soulpreacher, check out the footage I shot of them last year.
Saturday, Nov. 15: Future Islands with Ear Pwr and Lonnie Walker, Local 506
Saturday, Nov. 15: Allister Fiend, Slim's
Motley Crue tribute
Sunday, Nov. 16: Legendary Shack Shakers, Berkeley Cafe
I saw these guys ages ago, and they put on a totally crazy show. Duane Dennison of the Jesus Lizard (one of my favorite bands ever), is their new guitarist.
Monday, Nov. 17: The Whistlestop, Pour House
Some mellow, local all-star alt-country for a Monday night.
Tuesday, Nov. 18: Man Will Destroy Himself Slim's
Thursday, Nov. 20: Strange Faces, Slim's
Tour kick-off party.
Nov. 21: Double Negative with Rocket Cottage Slim's
Raleigh's hardcore kings, soon to be heading to Europe and playing ATP.
Nov. 23: Karen Mann's Birthday Bash with Sir Arthur & the Royal Knights and Dirty Little Heaters Slim's
Come out and help yours truly celebrate with the fine, Nuggets-style rock of Sir Arthur, and the angry-female rawk of Dirty Little Heaters.
Nov. 26: Pre-Turkey Day bash with The Bronzed Chorus, Tir na Nog
One of my favorite new bands, from Greensboro.
Nov. 29: The Loners with Pinche Gringo, Slim's
Dec. 4: FKON, Tir na Nog
Dec. 6: Death Metal Fest, Volume 11
cool upcoming shows
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Videos from Hold Steady and Drive By Truckers
From Lincoln Theatre, Monday, Nov. 3. This was my second time seeing Hold Steady, and I thought they put on a great show. The sold-out crowd was very pumped up and excited, mostly, I think because the election was the following day. I have nothing scientific to base that on. It's just that I've been to a lot of shows where people were incredibly excited to see the band -- usually a band that was reforming -- and this was quite a bit different. People were happy at this show, and not just because they were seeing two bands they love.
Regardless of how excited folks were, it did seem like a good part of the crowd left after The Hold Steady, and the DBTs fans were a little more subdued than I've seen in previous shows. Yesterday I was talking with a co-worker who has seen them many, many times, and he said he thought the Truckers work better when they have a set amount of time in which to play. If they only have, say, an hour in which to play, they're going to be tighter and better. I've never seen them open for anyone, so I can't say whether or not that's true. I just know that on Monday my tolerance for their tendency to play forever was severely diminished. We ended up leaving, totally exhausted, not long into the encore.
Regardless of how excited folks were, it did seem like a good part of the crowd left after The Hold Steady, and the DBTs fans were a little more subdued than I've seen in previous shows. Yesterday I was talking with a co-worker who has seen them many, many times, and he said he thought the Truckers work better when they have a set amount of time in which to play. If they only have, say, an hour in which to play, they're going to be tighter and better. I've never seen them open for anyone, so I can't say whether or not that's true. I just know that on Monday my tolerance for their tendency to play forever was severely diminished. We ended up leaving, totally exhausted, not long into the encore.
"drive-by truckers",
"the hold steady"
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Cool shows this week: Troika Music Festival and more!
(The Rosebuds, Troika Fest)
Thursday, Nov. 6: Troika Music Festival, various venues, Durham
I'm giving the Show of the Week award collectively to this festival, which proves that Durham is the DIY capital of the Triangle, and shows what people can do when they put their heads together and just decide to make a music festival happen. There are so many highlights, it's hard to narrow them down, but special mention should be given to the Rosebuds/Kimya Dawson show Friday at Carolina Theatre.
Thursday, Nov. 6: Frank Bang's Secret Stash, Slim's
I've yet to experience Frank Bang, but I know several folks who swear he puts on an amazing show. Maybe this is my week to finally check him out.
Friday, Nov. 7: Holly Raleigh Christmas CD-release party (7 p.m.) and The Whistlestop (10 p.m.), Tir na Nog
Holly Raleigh Christmas is the brainchild of Jeff Carroll, former Greensboro rocker and local owner of Bluefield Mastering. Sales from this annual local-music collection benefit the Community Music School.
The Whistlestop is a great new alt-countryish band that's a little on the mellow side, and always amazing to watch.
Friday, Nov. 7: Bio Ritmo, Local 506
Longtime regional salsa favorites. Be prepared to seriously shake it at this show.
Friday, Nov. 7: A Rooster for the Masses CD-release party, The Pour House
I haven't heard the new CD yet, but I'm betting the election gave them lots of song ideas.
Saturday, Nov. 8: the Black Crowes, Lincoln Theatre
Apparently this is an outdoor show, so bundle up. Also, it's $35 in advance, and $40 at the door. But couldn't you just go hang out in the parking deck and see the show? If it's a city-owned deck, certainly they can't kick you out!
Nov. 8: The T's Slim's
Party for bass player Lutie Cain's sister, Lisa.
Saturday, Nov. 8: Prison MATCH, NC benefit with Caitlin Cary and more!
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Hope Elementary Charter School
1116 N. Blount St.
Raleigh, NC
Cost is $25.00
Musical performances by Caitlin Cary, Melissa White Shaheen, William
Burton. Silent Auction, guest speakers, hors d'oeuvres.
Here's info from MATCH about their organization. I only recently learned about this organization and honestly think I will start volunteering with them. They are obviously doing good, needed work
MATCH (Mothers And Their CHildren) is a privately funded non-profit
organization that facilitates visits between children and their
mothers who are incarcerated at the NC Correctional Institution for
Women in Raleigh. MATCH organizes and funds travel from all over the
state and the country, as well as providing material and emotional
support to aid in reuniting families.
Kids visit with their moms in a home-like facility full of toys, art
supplies, and equipped with a fully-stocked kitchen where they can
prepare and eat a meal, or even celebrate a birthday together. Each
mother must complete a parent training course, as well as meeting
other criteria for excellent behavior and motivation, and the monthly
three-hour visits are supervised by a staff of volunteers.
MATCH and its supporters believe that building a healthy loving bond
between incarcerated moms and their children can work to break the
cycle of crime and imprisonment, ultimately strengthening communities
by fostering responsibility and, above all, unconditional love.
Tuesday, Nov. 11: Diplo with Abe Vigoda, Cat's Cradle
Diplo is the DJ/boyfriend of MIA, and is also responsible for bringing Brazilian baile funk to the hipster masses with his "Favela on Blast" CD.
Thursday, Nov. 13: Black Skies, Slim's
Super HEAVY rock from Chapel Hill. With Pride Parade from Athens.
Thursday, Nov. 13: Brightblack Morning Light, Local 506
Trippy hippie duo from California (originally from Alabama) playing some serious psychedelic blues.
Saturday, Nov. 15: Future Islands with Ear Pwr and Lonnie Walker, Local 506
Tuesday, Nov. 18: Man Will Destroy Himself Slim's
Thursday, Nov. 20: Strange Faces, Slim's
Tour kick off party.
Nov. 21: Double Negative with Rocket Cottage Slim's
Raleigh's hardcore kings, soon to be heading to Europe and playing ATP.
Nov. 23: Karen Mann's Birthday Bash with Sir Arthur & the Royal Knights and Dirty Little Heaters Slim's
Come out and help yours truly celebrate with the fine, Nuggets-style rock of Sir Arthur, and the angry-female rawk of Dirty Little Heaters.
Nov. 26: Pre-Turkey Day bash with The Bronzed Chorus, Tir na Nog
One of my favorite new bands, from Greensboro.
Nov. 29: The Loners with Pinche Gringo, Slim's
Dec. 4: FKON, Tir na Nog
Dec. 6: Death Metal Fest, Volume 11
cool upcoming shows
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Video from the Avett Brothers' Halloween show in Greensboro

Believe it or not, Friday was my very first time seeing the Avett Brothers. After witnessing their high-energy, crowd-slaying performance, I'm pretty sorry I never saw them during their club days at Kings. Oh well, better late than never.
The crowd really got into Halloween, but no one had better costumes than the Avetts themselves who came out in military uniforms. Seth was Army, Scott Navy, Bob Air Force and Joe Marines.
I had fairly good seats, but the hall was so big, that it didn't really translate into good video. The sound on these videos is very low and echoey. For completists only.
More photos here.
The Avett Brothers from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Video of the first song, appropriately, "Greensboro Woman"
The Avett Brothers from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Seth announced this as a new song. Maybe someone out there knows more about it.
"avett brothers"
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