Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Videos from the Tom Cushman Benefit
OK, this photo of Tom and Skillet Gilmore really does kind of sum up Sunday's Tom Cushman Benefit at White Collar Crime. A bunch of bands came out and rocked, and everyone you know came out and saw them rock, all to help out local punk icon Tom Cushman.
(Local rock glitterati The Infamous Sugar, Russ DeSena and Jennifer Halifax)
The love for Tom was palpable. Tom himself was looking healthy and seemed amazed and touched.
(Eddie Taylor and yours truly)
The suggested donation at the door was $10, but if you gave $15, you got a handmade T-shirt with the TCB logo. I picked a silver-logo-ed black T-shirt that had originally been some sort of tequila promo. And even though I have another, much better photo of me and Eddie showing off our shirts, I decided to sacrifice my dignity and post this one because the logo is more clearly visible.
(These little guys were a hit with the folks at the bar. Their owner told me they are service dogs!)
(The Trousers)
I was at the benefit for most of the early shows, and got there while The Trousers, who had the 4:30 p.m. slot, were playing. I've said before that White Collar Crime is THE worst place in town to shoot bands, but a skylight overhead made the daylight hours somewhat OK. For some reason I always seem to record the same song by The Trousers.
The Trousers at the Tom Cushman benefit from Mann's World on Vimeo.
(Greg Rice and Caitlyn Cary)
Richard Bacchus & the Luckiest Girls were after The Trousers, but I feel like I've got more than enough videos of them for the time being, so I just stood back and enjoyed the show. This was the first time I had seen them as a three-piece, and I seriously couldn't tell the difference.
Caitlin Cary was next, and she started with a song by Snuzz. Pay attention to what she says at the end of the video. I think she summed up the thoughts of many that day.
Caitlin Cary at the Tom Cushman benefit from Mann's World on Vimeo.
(Kenny Roby and Scott McCall)
The last show I saw was Kenny Roby, who played with his regular guitarist, Scott McCall. I really love seeing Kenny with a full band, and wish he would do it more often, but it was nice to see him with Scott. But "seeing" is a relative term here because by this time the sun had gone down, and the stage was almost pitch black.
Kenny Roby at the Tom Cushman benefit from Mann's World on Vimeo.
About mid-way through Kenny and Scott's set I found out that every single toilet in White Collar Crime had overflowed, which made our decision to take off that much easier. If anyone wants to provide a report on the latter half of the evening please do.
We ended up going next door to Jibarra, which features half-price bottles of wine on Sundays, and is actually somewhat reasonable if you stick to the appetizer menu. We enjoyed the lovely malbec pictured above.
See more photos on my Flickr page.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Cushman benefit Webcast
Can't attend the Tom Cushman benefit tomorrow at White Collar Crime? You can still watch via Web cast, which will be here. But if you watch the Web cast rather than going to the show, please donate anyway. You can do that here.
"tom cushman"
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
This week's cool shows: Tom Cushman Benefit!

There are lots of great shows happening this week, especially in Raleigh, where the offerings include Holy Ghost Tent Revival at the Pour House on Wednesday, Future Islands and Lonnie Walker at the Brewery on Wednesday, Future Kings of Nowhere at Tir na Nog on Thursday, and Max Indian at Slim's on Saturday.
CORRECTION: Max Indian is NOT playing at Slim's on Saturday, but they are at Busy Bee on Wednesday.
But the undisputed show of the week is the benefit for Raleigh punk icon Tom Cushman Sunday at White Collar Crime. The schedule is as follows: Gringo 3:30, The Trousers 4:30, Richard Bacchus & the Luckiest girls 5:30, Caitlin Cary 6:30, Kenny Roby 7:30, The Infamous Sugar 8:30, Bleeding Hearts 9:30, MWDH 10:30, Rocket Cottage 11:30, T’s 1:15, SeaLegs 12:30. I'll admit that I don't know Gringo or SeaLegs, but the rest of the schedule just can't be beat. So come out and donate some cash for Tom, who is battling a severe case of pneumonia and doesn't have health insurance.
cool upcoming shows
Monday, September 21, 2009
Return from Planet Caravan
This past weekend, while everyone in Raleigh was checking out SparkCon and oohing and ahhing over the Barrel Dinosaur, yours truly and a few girlfriends headed west to Asheville for Planet Caravan. One member of the gang knows some folks who privately rent some riverside cabins on a spectacularly beautiful piece of land, so we expected to have a nice relaxing time when we weren't blasting our ears with metal. Other than having a rock crack the windshield of my BRAND NEW CAR while driving through Greensboro, we managed to relax and rock as planned.
Because of the weird, ever-changing ticket-price structure, and the total lack of marketing campaign for the festival, I wasn't sure what to expect. I kind of thought there might not be many people there, and sure enough, some of the shows (particularly Pentagram) were almost painfully underattended. I'll also go ahead and note here that I took lots of photos, and Tweeted most of the shows I saw, but because of past experience, I did not record video.
After dining at Salsa's, which won raves from the girls for having the best margaritas, we arrived at The Orange Peel on night one after Wino had taken the stage. My goal for this entire weekend was to catch Wino and Pentagram, and maybe Kylesa and Orange Goblin. Hbomb also wanted to see Pentagram, and Angela was dying to see Clutch. Sheri didn't seem to have any favorites and was just open to anything. But even though we were mostly there to see the legendary acts, it was the newcomers who really blew us away.(Bison)
My favorite discovery of the weekend is Bison, who I believe are from Vancouver, played to a packed, sweaty house two doors down at Mo Daddy's -- so packed and sweaty that I spent the majority of the show outside in the rain waiting to get in. We actually ran into the band the next day while we were walking around downtown Asheville. We told them where to get breakfast (Mayfels) and told them to avoid the hippies in the drum circle park. They told us that they were playing that night (Saturday) in Charlotte. I hope you had a chance to catch them because they put on an amazingly high-energy show. It's interesting to see that they have Red Fang (David Sullivan and John Sherman's new band) as one of their top friends on Myspace, because they sound kind of similar.(Kylessa)
Following Bison at Mo Daddy's was Atlanta's Zoroaster, whom I also liked quite a bit, but somehow neglected to photograph. Not sure how I dropped the ball on that one. Maybe I was too rocked out after Bison? Regardless, the next band was Kylesa back at the Orange Peel, and for my money they put on the best of all the shows I saw during the entire weekend.(Clutch)
The final band of the evening (so we thought) was Clutch. I've never seen them, or as far as I know, heard them before that night, and honestly I don't care if I ever see or hear them again. They made almost no impression on me. My companions, however, were ecstatic. Angela, who is one of the most well-read people I know, explained to me the literary nature of the band's lyrics, and lamented that those lyrics were soaring way over the heads of the drunk khaki-pants wearing crew that had suddenly invaded the club.
We ended up leaving the Orange Peel early and heading to Barley's because Hbomb had the munchies for a calzone, but on the way we found Knoxville's Pick Up the Snake playing for about 10 people at Mo Daddy's. And I can safely say that nine of them, especially the drunk hippie girl who kept trying to get me to dance with her, were completely hammered. It's too bad that so few people saw this show because they have a nice early-Hellacopters swagger. I did take some photos of them, but none of them really came out.(Orange Goblin)
We missed most of the bands on night two because we were enjoying our mountain accommodations a little too much. Also, one person in our party (not me) enjoyed herself a little too much the night before, and it took a herculean effort to rouse her out of bed. But that's another story for another time. We did make it downtown in time to catch a couple of bands that did nothing for us, and then Orange Goblin, who were worth the wait. As far as I could tell, they also had the biggest crowd of the entire festival which was good because they apparently flew over from London just for this show. A quick look at their Myspace page shows that they don't play out a whole lot, so I'm very glad I got a chance to see them.(Pentagram)
Finally it was time for PENTAGRAM! who played for a shockingly (as far as I'm concerned) low number of people. I'm going to guess that there were 100 people in the audience when they came on. I was really kind of astounded to see the amount of people who streamed out of the Orange Peel as soon as Orange Goblin was done with their set. I mean, if you've already paid for the show, and you love Orange Goblin, why not stick around to see Bobby Liebling, one of the most legendary doom metal singer's all time? And if Liebling was disappointed at the low turn-out, he didn't show it, because he hammed it up like the metal offspring of Vincent Price and the Energizer Bunny.
Unfortunately, one of the people who did show up was a man I have dubbed The Most Irritating Music Fan in the Triangle -- or, for short, the Whistling Dork. If you have been to a heavy rock show in the Triangle lately, you have seen, or rather heard, this fool. He gets up next to the stage and whistles as loud as he can throughout the entire show. And it's Loud. Wolf-whistle loud. Hail a cab from two miles away loud. So loud that he actually drowned out Trouble when they played at Volume 11 last year. Now that's loud. Angela actually confronted him during the Trouble show and told him he was ruining it for other people. He insisted that he just had to whistle to show his appreciation for the band and then actually whistled more.
Luckily for us, Bobby Liebling had the answer for this dude's inexplicable desire to ruin everyone else's metal experience. He drowned the Whistling Dork's stupid little whistle OUT!
See more photos.
"planet caravan"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Videos of Red Collar and IWTDI
(Red Collar)
Saturday was only the second time I've seen Red Collar. And like the first time I saw them, I was amazed by their energy. And I do mean ENERGY. Anthemic, fist-pumping, "we're going to rise ABOVE" energy. The crowd at Tir na Nog ate it up. I halfway expected them to march out the door and start protesting something. I don't know what they'd protest, but it doesn't really matter. Oh, and I'm listening to 'Pilgrim' right now, thanks to music.mync.com.
I Was Totally Destroying It were one of the opening bands, and as always, I am stunned that they aren't the biggest band in the entire world.
Red Collar from Mann's World on Vimeo.
I Was Totally Destroying It from Mann's World on Vimeo.
See more photos from the show.Thursday, September 10, 2009
This week's cool shows: Rollergirls afterparty at Tir na Nog!
(Red Collar)
Lots of great shows this week, including Man Will Destroy Himself Friday at Slim's, Tooth, The Curtains of Night, Grappling Hook, The Claw at Duke Coffeehouse (also Friday) and Bugfest with The Rosebuds (who play at 4:30 p.m.) at the N.C. Museum of Natural Science on Saturday.
But the can't-miss show of the weekend is the Carolina Rollergirls after party with Red Collar, I Was Totally Destroying It,The Demon Beat and Pink Flag. The after party is part of the Wicked Wheels of the East roller derby eastern regional championships, which pits the Carolina team against some of the best skaters in the nation.
cool upcoming shows
A couple of updates
First, if you (like moi) missed the xxMerge fest, you can see live performances from the fest at converse.com. Superchunk's "Crossed Wires" is the first in the video series.
Secondly, if you (again, like moi) have been disappointed in the Downtown Live pickins, take this survey and let the Downtown Live folks know who you want to have them book for next year. There are some really good choices on the list including Silversun Pickups. And I'm not ashamed to admit I'd go see The Nuge. There are also a whole lot of bands on here that I have NO CLUE who they are. Halestorm? Cavo? No clue. And I think I know a good bit about music. Unless you want to see one of these bands booked next year, go ahead and take the survey.
Secondly, if you (again, like moi) have been disappointed in the Downtown Live pickins, take this survey and let the Downtown Live folks know who you want to have them book for next year. There are some really good choices on the list including Silversun Pickups. And I'm not ashamed to admit I'd go see The Nuge. There are also a whole lot of bands on here that I have NO CLUE who they are. Halestorm? Cavo? No clue. And I think I know a good bit about music. Unless you want to see one of these bands booked next year, go ahead and take the survey.
"downtown live",
"merge records"
Friday, September 04, 2009
Avetts to release video series
Avett Brothers fans have a special treat coming Tuesday. According to a release:
You all have been asking about the video footage from our Bojangles North Carolina show...
and we are now ready to roll it out, in a very special way.
We have for you 13 video pieces, each dedicated to a song off our new album, which we will be giving to you one chapter at a time.
Check our website for all the details, including information on Tuesday's premiere of Chapter 1!
Why is this suddenly making me think of "Trapped in the Closet"?
You all have been asking about the video footage from our Bojangles North Carolina show...
and we are now ready to roll it out, in a very special way.
We have for you 13 video pieces, each dedicated to a song off our new album, which we will be giving to you one chapter at a time.
Check our website for all the details, including information on Tuesday's premiere of Chapter 1!
Why is this suddenly making me think of "Trapped in the Closet"?
"avett brothers"
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Quick updates!

Had a blast in Montreal, and even managed to see a little bit of the Pop Montreal Festival, though honestly I spent most of my time eating delicious food and sightseeing. I got video of Montreal's Jain Vain & the Dark Matter, who I liked quite a bit. I love how the Montreal hipsters are sitting politely and eating ice cream.
Jain Vain & The Dark Matter from Mann's World on Vimeo.
On the local news front, I just published an interview with my old pal Snüzz, an amazing musician who is dealing with lymphoma. His friends are holding a benefit for him (he's uninsured) on Monday at Local 506. There are also details about a benefit for Raleigh musician Tom Cushman. Both of these are going to be great events.
"tom cushman",
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