(Kathryn Johnson playing keys and xylophone for Schooner)
Last night I saw Schooner (Myspace) with Ben Davis and The Jets (Myspace) (Lovitt Records) at Kings. I was also able to do a podcast with them, successfully using for the first time my new iTalk. I spoke with them outside Poole's Diner in downtown Raleigh. Check out the podcast, which includes music from the band, part of the interview, and music from drummer Billy Alphin's old band, Ashley Stove.
Podcast: http://www.rockthetriangle.com/podcasts/20060624_podcast.mp3
Full interview with the band, including us trying to tell some lost woman how to get to "South Sanders Street": http://www.rockthetriangle.com/podcasts/20060624_interview.mp3
I also got two partial videos from Schooner, and a video from Ben Davis (see below). Also check out my photos on Flickr.

(Megan Culton and Reid Johnson)
(Videos removed)

karen nice job on the photos of schooner and mann's world--- !! bilwah
i LOVE Schooner!!!
can't wait for them to come back up to NYC. thanks for the pics Karen!
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