Please pardon the SERIOUSLY abbreviated version of this post. Work has kept me from writing about rock for the past few days.
Thursday, May 8: Hayseed Dixie, Pour House
If you love bluegrass and AC/DC, this show is for you. They played one of the best versions of Whole Lotta Rosie I've ever heard when I saw them at Pour House a couple of years ago.
Thursday, May 8: Dirty Little Heaters, Slim's
I haven't seen these gals since they played a between-bout set at an early Rollergirls game a few years back. Looks like this will be my chance to see them again.
Friday, May 9: Rocket Cottage with Grass Widow, Double Down
SHOW OF THE WEEK! Saturday, May 10: Polvo, Cat's Cradle
One of the most innovative bands ever to emerge from this area starts a series of reunion shows. They're also going to be playing at ATP Catskills (in addition to ATP England) in the fall, and yours truly is debating whether or not to go. Look for for something special on the blog, in preview of the show, next week!
Saturday, May 10: Killer Filler, Sadlack's
Saturday, May 10: Colossus with Thunderlip, Slims
I really hate that I'm going to miss this show, because I've been wanting to check out Colossus. Alas, I will be at Polvo.
Thursday, May 15: Helmet with ASG and Caltrop, Volume 11
Friday, May 16: Bleeding Hearts CD-release party, with The Magic Babies and Sir Arthur & the Royal Knights, The Pour House
Sunday, May 18: RebusFest, Rebusworks in Raleigh
Here's info sent out by Rebus gallery in Raleigh: RebusFest, a one-day event featuring art, music, and food, will be held on Sunday, May 18. Bands include The Loners, Kickin' Grass, Starmount, Monologue Bombs, The T's, and Edmund II. Participating artists include Julie Armbruster, Casey Porn, Betty McKim, Staci Sawyer, Clifton May and Lauren Turner. Artist spaces are still available, if interested, please call 919-754-8452.
We are also looking for volunteers, if you'd like to help for a shift (11:30 until 3:30 or 3:30 until 7:30), please let us know by email or phone.
Tuesday, May 20: The Sword with Stinking Lizaveta
Austin's The Sword are one of my favorite heavy bands, though I admit their new CD is a bit over the top with Stonehenge/gnome imagery. watch the video for "Fire Lances of the Ancient Hyperzephyrians" (see what I mean?) off Gods Of the Earth here.
I saw Stiking Lizaveta waaaaay back in 2003 and thought they were absolutely amazing. Can't wait to see them again.
Saturday, May 24: Dropsonic with The Needles, Slim's
From Atlanta. I don't know much about them but I'm liking what I've heard so far. However I DO know The Needles, and I know they're awesome, Hellacopters-style RAWK. Could be a great show.
Thursday, May 29: The Trousers at Tir na nOg
I love this band so much, and they hardly ever play out, maybe because drummer Stephen Gardner is mighty busy with his duties as singer/guitarist with The T's. This band is fine British blues rock, and singer-guitarist Jim Pendergast plays with an understated elegance that must be heard live to be appreciated.
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