Thursday, July 21, 2011

Yob, Dark Castle and USX at Kings


I think I said it best on Facebook during the show: Yob blew my mind Monday at Kings. They also blew out my little Flip cam, so this video is simply for anyone who wants to take a few seconds remembering the dark, overwhelming power of the band's show. So far I've been very happy with what I've gotten from the new Nikon, but it truly isn't good for video. Instead of taking the Flip cam, which just clearly doesn't work in situations like this, I'm going to start taking the Canon G9 and the Nikon. The G9 wouldn't have gotten better video of this show, but it always did capture fairly good audio, even of super loud shows.

A few folks remarked to me that they thought Dark Castle had improved significantly since their last show at Kings (with Nachtmystium in September). I don't think improved is the word because I thought they really good before, but they definitely put on a better show. 

U.S. Christmas were at almost full-strength, which is where I think they sound best.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Announcing: The Mann's World Day Party at Hopscotch!

Today The Independent released the list of day parties and other unofficial events taking place during Hopscotch. These are parties put on by local labels, websites, venues, etc., and not usually officially sponsored by Hopscotch itself. Like last year, there's going to be some good stuff happening during these parties.

And like last year, I'm throwing my own day party! This year's event will feature three of my current favorite heavy bands: Heavy local supergroup Righteous Fool, Boston's doomy Black Thai, and Durham's awesomely abrasive Lurch. This party, which will be sponsored by one of my favorite beers -- Big Boss, will take place during the day (I'll update the times later) on Saturday, Sept. 10, at Dive Bar, which, as you should know, is right on the R-Line. That's if you're too lazy to walk the four blocks from Hargett Street to get there.

I'm really excited about this show, and I hope to see you all out there!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This week's cool shows: Yob, Dark Castle and USX!

(Yob, photo courtesy of 12th Records)

Oregon doomsters Yob will play one of my most-anticipated shows of the summer on Monday, July 18 at Kings. Their latest Profound Lore album, "Atma," will be out on Aug. 16, but you can hear the opening track, "Prepare the Ground," on Haunting the Chapel. Check it out and see if you aren't as excited about this show as I am. According to the press info I got, the band will have copies of "Atma" available at shows "around the mid-point and onwards of the tour." Raleigh looks to be smack dab in the middle, so lets hope they have it available by then. 

But Yob isn't the only reason I'm really looking forward to this show. Dark Castle and U.S. Christmas are opening. Dark Castle has just released "Surrender to All Life Beyond Form," also on Profound Lore. Nate from USX sings on the song "Stare into Absence," so I'm hoping he'll come out and sing it during Dark Castle's set. 

To get you prepared for this show, here are some photos and video of the tour with Batillus in NYC, thanks to Brooklyn Vegan. 

Other shows this week that you should check out include:

Tonight (Wednesday): Abouretum with Free Electric State and Stag at Casbah. I haven't had a chance to check out Arbouretum yet, and won't be able to make this show, but I do like what I've heard so far. 

Thursday: The Beast at Local 506

Friday: Gollum and Make at Dive Bar and Yarn at the Pour House -- Be forewarned: Yarn is going to do three sets, with a set of Dead covers in the middle. That should be the perfect time to duck out and head down to the Landmark for a drink. 

Saturday: History Rocks fundraiser for the Museum of Durham History at Motorco with the Billtones, Shipwrecker, Lurch and Phil Cook & His Feat. That's a mighty eclectic lineup there!

Saturday: Hardcore Hank's Annual Birthday Bash with Bukkake Boys, Logic Problem and Asymetric Warfare

Sunday: Lynn Blakey with Ecki Hines at Sadlack's -- starts at 5 p.m.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Phantom Glue and Man Will Destroy Himself

(Phantom Glue)
Not sure what I think about the new Google Blogs rollout. The backend is certainly sleeker, but it's incredibly buggy. Kind of like Google+ I guess. 

Anyway Boston's Phantom Glue put in a great, doomy show last night at Dive Bar. If you didn't see them, they'll be at Casbah over in Durham tonight with Hog and Bitter Resolve. Another Boston band, whose name I'm going to reluctantly censor due to my job, played a really short, but very appreciated, hardcore set next. 

(Phantom Glue)

Man Will Destroy Himself was next. It's been a while since I've seen them, and they put on a very powerful show. Looking forward to seeing them again at Hopscotch. See more photos


Tuesday, July 05, 2011

This week's cool shows: Whatever Brains and more!

It's kind of a quiet week around here, but there are still some good shows to check out. On Thursday in Raleigh, Whatever Brains (above) will be at Kings, and in Durham Deleted Scenes and Lonnie Walker will be at Pinhook. On Wednesday, Kolyma and Whoarfrost will be at Nightlight. On Saturday Phantom Glue and Man Will Destroy Himself will be at Dive Bar, and on Sunday Phantom Glue will be at Casbah with Hog. Also on Saturday, Small Ponds will be at Motorco with Birds and Arrows.

American Aquarium at Weesefest

Since this was Fourth of July weekend, I didn't actually spend a lot of time in town, but I was determined to see American Aquarium on Saturday night at Weesefest at the Pour House. American Aquarium has been around for a while, but I had never seen them. I kept hearing them compared to Bruce Springsteen, and I think that's fairly accurate. I can also hear a lot of Drive-By Truckers in their music too. Unfortunately I only found out tonight that they played last night in Beaufort. That's too bad because I was there, and would have preferred seeing them rather than the Jimmy Buffet wannabe at the Dock House. See more photos.

I got two videos from the night, one including a duet with Caitlin Cary.