Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas from Karen, plus cool show this Saturday
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Check out Polynya
Suburban Sweethearts last night at Slim's
Suburban Sweethearts from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
My top CDs for the year
Friday, December 21, 2007
Suburban Sweethearts with The Loners tomorrow night!
Videos from Christmas at the Cradle
I Was Totally Destroying It from Mann's World on Vimeo.
When I got there, I Was Totally Destroying It (video and photo above) was already playing a spot-on cover of U2's New Year's Day. Seriously, as I was walking up to the club, I actually thought the club was just playing that song in between bands. Since everyone was supposed to play holiday themed music, I don't think I got a very accurate sense of what they're like. I will say that they're tight, they obviously have a thing for Telecaster Deluxe guitars and they had a rabid fan-base.The Moaners from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Since it was a few days ago, my memory is a little faulty, and I can't remember if the Moaners or Midtown Dickens were next. Regardless, above is a video from The Moaners, who always impress me.Midtown Dickens from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Midtown Dickens (above), is one of those bands that spends about 60 percent of the time blowing me away, and 40 percent of the time getting on my last nerve. They're very child-like, and seem to have an acute sense of wonder and joy with music and being on stage. The problem is that they're just not very proficient musicians. Maybe they think spending more time with their instruments will dampen that joy. I think it will only heighten it.Portastatic from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Finally, Mac McCaughan performed solo as Portastatic. Unfortunately my memory ran out right in the middle of his lovely solo! And because my memory ran out, I didn't get video of the Annuals' amazing full-chorus version of "Christmastime is Here" from the Charlie Brown Christmas special.Thursday, December 20, 2007
Following up on Flat Duo Jets
Since I blogged about "Athens, Inside/Out", here's a clip Jessica forwarded of Flat Duo Jets on The Cutting Edge from February 1985.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Massive show tonight at the Cradle
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Go see Chatham County Line tomorrow night
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The T's, Birds of Avalon and Grass Widow
The T's from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Next up were Grass Widow, who, I believe, were playing their second show. I didn't like them at first, but during their set their fuzzy, jangly blues rock actually really grew on me. I didn't get much of them because the batteries in my camera were exhausted. One of my New Year's resolutions will be to adequately charge my batteries before heading to a show. I didn't stick around for all of Birds of Avalon, but what I heard sounded awesome as per usual, and I really liked their winter wonderland set. Finally, I'd like to say thanks to DJ Castro for playing several of my all-time favorite songs in between sets, including Johnny the Fox and Saturday Night Special.Saturday, December 15, 2007
Happy birthday to Michael Pilmer
Michael, known for being the co-editor of Jimmy'z Dumbshit, as well as such musical projects as Krapper Keeper and Silica Gel, held his birthday party at Slim's last night. For those of you who don't know Michael, that last sentence, as ridiculous as it may read, is absolutely correct. Anyway, DJ Roxxi Dott provided a disconcerting mash-up of such Pilmer favorites as Blondie, Carcass and Cheap Trick, while local black metal-bluegrass-karaoke outfit The Morbid Ramblers, did their thing. This was after the vibrator door prize giveaway.
Morbid Ramblers from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Friday, December 14, 2007
The T's and Birds of Avalon tomorrow night!
Here's the original message:
Hi Folks...
Well, its not a "Kings Show" but thats okay I guess... The Birds of Avalon will be playing a Christmas party at the Downtown Events Center tomorrow night -- Sat. the 15th.. We will do our best to cheer the place up a bit and make it a good time for everybody!.
The T's and Grass Widow are also playing and DJ Castro is providing some supreme jams between bands... The Cost is $3 ..
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Seriously one of the funniest things I've ever seen
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Weekend wrap up
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Cartridge Family at Sadlack's
Cartridge Family from Mann's World on Vimeo.
The big event of the evening (no offense to the band) was that someone was giving away cans of Sparks. I'm not sure if it was Sadlack's proper doing the giveaway or if it was just a random box someone found. As one of the few people who absolutely loves Sparks, I hope this becomes a trend.Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Three things
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Girls on Film
"Folk-inspired avant-garde music"
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Fwd: [guitartown] Tift Merritt FREE show today in Raleigh @ 7 PM
I'm letting you know that Tift is playing tonight at Schoolkids.
Here's the forwarded post from guitartown below.
At Schoolkids Records in Raleigh at 7 PM per the e-mail from her
mailing list. Playing solo preview of songs from her new album
"Another Country".
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Man Will Destroy Himself -- video from last night
Man Will Destroy HImseli from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Check out the footage from last night's show at Slim's by Man Will Destroy Himself.
Polvo to reunite -- but not around here
Here's the full article from Pitchfork
I had a feeling something like this was going to happen. I was seriously surprised when they didn't reunite during the Kings closing party.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
More local videos -- and Sharon Jones/Chocolate Drops news!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I'm published in Harp!
Monday, November 05, 2007
An update on the Journey tribute band
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Catching up from Troika Festival
Gray Young from Mann's World on Vimeo.
(Gray Young)Future Kings of Nowhere from Mann's World on Vimeo.
(FKON)Thursday, November 01, 2007
What it takes to be a good tribute band
But last night's show got me thinking about a couple of things. First, I really wish that I could sometimes turn off my inner critic and just enjoy a show. This band had people singing and dancing around, and generally enjoying reliving fond old memories. Meanwhile, I was standing there eviscerating them in my head. I know I've irritated friends who have come up to me at shows saying, "isn't this band awesome??" only to have me say, "ehh, the drummer is off, and the guitar is out of tune, and that last song went on for a minute longer than it should have." It would be nice, for once, to say, "yeah, they are awesome, because they're making me feel good."
Secondly, I thought a lot about various tribute bands, and what it takes to be good. I admit I have a soft spot for tributes, especially if they're well-done. Some of the best I've seen include locals Appetite for Destruction, the Thin Lizzy tribute that the members of The White Octave did, and a French-Canadian band that did an incredibly theatrical tribute to the first two Genesis albums. The Journey tribute that came to Kings a few years ago had an amazing singer who sang and looked just like Steve Perry, and had the entire audience of bored hipsters singing along at the top of their lungs.
I've also seen some pretty bad tributes, mostly by bands that seemed unfamiliar and even disdainful of the bands they were covering. The key to a good tribute, other than having a singer or guitarist that can really nail someone else's parts, is an almost stalkerish passion for a certain band. I once saw a Rush tribute band whose "Geddy Lee" told me he once had the opportunity to meet his idol, but couldn't because he didn't feel worthy enough to be around him, or something like that. That's actually really sad, and I'm sure this guy's friends were all a little worried about his obsession, but it made for a good tribute.
Keep in mind, I'm not talking about bands that do something clever with their tribute, like the various ethnic Elvises out there. Or about the all-female tributes to certain metal bands. I'm talking about bands that try to do it straight and fail miserably.
So, here's my personal list of what it would take to make good tributes to various bands.
KISS: Do you ever see KISS tributes anymore? I guess the reunion killed them off. Anyway, you don't need to be great players in a KISS tribute, but you have to have excellent costumes and pyrotechnics, and you have to have the moves and the banter down. It would be good if your bass player had a long tongue, but that's really not that necessary.
Guns 'n' Roses: Someone who looks and sings like Axl, and someone who looks and plays like Slash. and good costumes on everyone else.
Motley Crue: You'd need an OK singer, an excellent drummer, and, for at least part of the show, the early '80s costumes.
Judas Priest: A great singer and lots of leather.
Iron Maiden: A great singer and a phenomenal bass player.
Van Halen: A good, hammy singer and a phenomenal guitar player
Thin Lizzy: An Afro-ed bass player who knows Phil's moves and one really good guitar player.
AC/DC: Ideally, two singers, because I don't believe one guy should do both eras, unless he changes clothes and moves mid set. Also need a short guy who can play really well while running around like crazy, and a really tight drummer.
Black Sabbath: Good costumes, a left-handed guitar player, and a chubby guy who can mumble and shuffle like Ozzy.
Jimi Hendrix: You absolutely must be black, left-handed and an amazing guitarist. Otherwise, don't even think about it.
Led Zeppelin: One of the hardest. the only part you could possibly skimp on would be the bass, but a real fan would know.
Queen: THE hardest. You would have to have someone who could sing and prance like Freddie Mercury, as well as an amazing guitar player. You could possibly skimp on the drums, but you would have to have a good bass player.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Mac McCaughan testifies before Senate committee
Troika Music Festival this weekend!
A few things happening this week

Let's skip over Halloween for the moment, and go on to a few things happening later in the week.
Longtime producer/musician Jeff Carroll is hosting a release party for Have a Holly Raleigh Christmas Vol.II, proceeds from which will benefit the Community Music School. The party is Thursday, Nov. 1, 7 p.m. at Amra's and it's free. So if you're not still hungover from the Motley Crue tribute band at Slim's the night before, come out and celebrate a good cause. But, like I said, I'll get to Halloween in another post.
Also on Thursday is Band of Horses, perhaps my current favorite band, at Lincoln Theatre with The Drones. Band of Horses also includes former Archers of Loaf bass player Matt Gentling. Tickets are $15 in advance, $17 at the door.
Since Friday is First Friday, Lump is showing Teenbeat 432, a retrospective of the design work of Mark Robinson, Teenbeat Records founder and member of the D.C. bands Unrest, Grenadine and Air Miami. The opening reception is from 7 to 11 p.m. on Friday, and the exhibit continues through Dec. 1
Finally, I caught part of Jac and Lutie Cain's wedding party Sunday at the Pour House. Check out the photo of Lutie rockin' in her veil. And check out the video of her band, The T's.
The T's from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Videos from The Hold Steady and more!
Last night I caught The Hold Steady, along with Art Brut and Demander at Lincoln Theatre. I had really been looking forward the The Hold Steady, but, man, I was not prepared to pay $18 to get in. A friend of mine at work accused me of always "bitching" about the price of shows. Well, I'll bitch about having to pay $18 to see a band in a club! I noticed that the lead singer from Train is performing at Lincoln Theatre next week, and it's $25 to get in! Back in 1989, I paid $25 to see the Rolling Stones at Carter Finley (and I had good seats, too). I thought at the time I was paying a mint. I don't care who it is -- it just doesn't sit right with me to pay that much to see a band in a club. It reminds me of the story Dion tells about why he didn't get on the plane with Buddy Holly. He could have afforded the $36 for the flight, but that was the same amount he had paid years before for rent in New York. The symbolism made him decide not to get on the plane.
Having said that, all three bands rocked, and were definitely worth my $18. Demander, a female-led three piece that sounded a good bit like The Sugarcubes, was playing when I walked in. They grew on me as I watched them, so I bought their CD, "The Unkindness of Ravens," which turned out to be more focused and exciting than their live show. I don't like their name, though. I can't remember it. I keep wanting to call them Defender, which would be a great name. I think more bands should name themselves after classic '80s video games. WHY WON'T SOMEONE TAKE MY ADVICE AND NAME A BAND WIZARD OF WOR?
Art Brut were up next. I had one friend tell me he was going to get there early specifically to see them, and another tell me he was going to avoid them at all costs. I ended up liking them, dare I say it, MORE than The Hold Steady. Real English, dancey new wavish pub rock. Their front man was a funny, sloppy beer-budget version of Bryan Ferry, and gave shoutouts to both Birds of Avalon and the Mountain Goats (see the first video, below). After their set I ran into Cheetie and Paul, who were mystified as to how this band knew about them. Cheetie's suggestion was that maybe they hype a local band each night, and ask the sound man at each venue who they should mention. Since they know the soundman at the Lincoln, maybe he suggested them. All this is speculation of course. If anyone has seen Art Brut in another town, I would like to know if they do this schtick elsewhere.
Finally, The Hold Steady came on. I started off the evening up in the balcony, and got some crappy video as a result. If Bruce Springsteen was a dweebish, drug-obsessed Minnesotan with a button down shirt and a really raspy voice, he'd be Craig Finn. But most impressive to me was guitarist Tad Kubler, who won my heart by slinging his guitar, Yngwie-style, backwards around his back, and then ended the set by using some strange Theramin-like item to create sonic chaos. After the show I ran up to the roadie and asked if it was a tiny Theramin. He showed it to me (it fit in his hand) and said it worked with light. I don't know enough about guitar electronics to know what that means, but it sounded cool. Other than Craig and Tad, I enjoyed watching the band's keyboard/accordion player, who looked like a cross between Gallagher and a minor henchman from The Godfather.
Here are two Hold Steady videos.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
New Thunderlip!

Wilmington's Thunderlip has had a bit of a rough time lately. For a while, it seemed like they couldn't keep a bass player, yet every time they played live, they still had amazing energy. But now, with their second CD, The Prophesy, they seem ready to put the past behind them, and finally hit their stride.
The first thing to note, is that, as good as this CD is, it doesn't truly capture the band's live energy, which is phenomenal. As far as full-on rock 'n' roll energy, they're one of a handful of bands in the state (Valient Thorr being one of the others)who truly know how to rock a stage. I think it would have been awesome if they'd recorded the CD live in front of an audience. Nevertheless, The Prophecy is still a solid, heavy record with plenty of Thin Lizzy-style double-guitar leads. If that's your thing, I think you should buy this CD, but make sure you catch them truly in their element.
Hear part of "Mister Informer"
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Jim Lauderdale video
I had big plans Sunday to catch Jim Lauderdale during his early (7 p.m.!) show at the Hideaway, then head down to Slim's for The Makes Nice and Sir Arthur. Turns out I underestimated how much an early, acoustic show would make me NOT feel like rocking later. Anyway, here's Jim Lauderdale, who told me himself he is NOT from Beaufort, performing "Chances."
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A whole bunch of Annuals news!
Sarah Borges rocks
I wouldn't have thought good honky tonk could come from Boston, but Sarah Borges and the Broken Singles proved me wrong last night. She's a pint-sized girl with a big voice, and a phenomenal backing band, including a guitarist with an incredibly natural feel for his instrument. Check out the video. This is the first song they played last night at the Hideaway.
(Video removed)
Coming up on Sunday at the Hideaway is North Carolinian Jim Lauderdale, who, I was told last night, is from Beaufort. But when I checked that online today, I see that he's from Statesville. Maybe I'll get to chat with him on Sunday and find out the scoop. Following Jim (it's an early show), The Makes Nice and Sir Arthur and His Royal Knights will be at Slim's. The Makes Nice include a former member of The Champs, but my understanding is that they're much more pop-oriented than that band.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Music for a good cause
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Perm and Skullet podcasts
Manchild 3/Melvins CD released
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Kennebec re-recorded
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
New smoking policy at Local 506
Firstly, Local 506 has a new policy regarding smoking. Smoking is now
prohibited in the room where bands play; however, smokers are welcome to
smoke in the room where the bar is. This is still an experiment to see if
this can work and I think so far the results have been positive. But we
appreciate your continued cooperation (and welcome any feedback you may
And because our Sundays are all booked in October, we are moving our 506
Music Trivia Nights to Tuesdays this month: it will be held on Tuesday,
10/16 and Tuesday, 10/30. With that said, because there are good shows at
the Cat¹s Cradle on those nights (Cat Power and Shout Out Louds
respectively) - the start-time for trivia will move up to 7pm allowing
people to do both (trivia normally lasts about 2 hours.) If you haven¹t
been able to make it out on a Sunday, please join us this month. Each
member of the winning team wins a pair of tickets to any Local 506 show.
Glenn's message also included the band's upcoming schedule, which included some pretty exciting shows including The Golden Dogs on Nov. 19 and Pylon(!) on Nov. 5.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Short and sweet
OK, I'm a little behind here, so I'm basically going to put these movies up without comment. Friday, I caught a fully functional Cartridge Family (above) at Sadlack's before heading to the bikerfest downtown. Actually I went to see Kenny Roby and The Houstons, but since the bikerfest was happening at the same time, I actually saw part of Great White too. All I can say is Jack Russell is actually looking a lot better these days.
The Cartridge Family from Mann's World on Vimeo.
(Cartridge Family)Kenny Roby from Mann's World on Vimeo.
(Kenny Roby's Mercy Filter)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Might as well ...

So, yes, I went to see Van Halen last night, and the quick and dirty verdict is that they've still got it, and Wolfie held his own but Michael Anthony was missed. But before I get into what happened last night in Greensboro, let me take a trip down memory lane, because, when you get right down to it, classic rock is just oldies music for Boomers and older Gen-X'ers such as myself. What better way to start a review of an oldies act than with a look back at youth.
I saw Van Halen when I was 13 on the Women and Children First tour at Hampton Coliseum in Hampton, Va. That revelation always elicits a "wow" from the VH fans I know, most of whom saw them either on the 1984 tour or during the dark Van Hagar years. It was in August, and I had gone to Busch Gardens with my mom, our neighbor Miss Margaret, and Miss Margaret's teenage daughter Suzanne. As it turned out, the hotel where we stayed was right beside the coliseum, and the show wasn't sold out, so that night, Suzanne and I just walked up, bought tickets and went in. I don't know why I remember this, but the opening band was called Cats. It was general admission, so we ended up getting great seats in the first level up from the floor. I remember Dave's awesome high kicks, and thinking that Eddie seemed a little out of it because he kept turning his back on the audience. I also remember the smoke was so thick in there that we could barely see the beach balls that people kept batting back and forth. And I remember the crowd being a sea of denim and hair.
But one of the many big "D'oh!" moments in my rock life is that I was supposed to see them two years earlier opening for Boston with Poco and The Outlaws at Carter-Finley Stadium, but couldn't go because I came down with mononucleosis. Three school friends of mine, Pat, Herb and Louise (all real names) went with Louise's older sister driving. That could have been my first rock 'n' roll road trip, but instead I was sick in bed with a stupid infectious disease!
After the show, they couldn't stop talking about the crazy opening band with the swaggering lead singer and lightning-fingered guitarist. They also brought me a T-shirt with the Boston space ship and the words "BOSTON SMOKES RALEIGH!" with Van Halen in small letters on the back. That T-shirt disappeared off of a clothes line a few years later at my aunt's house in Johnston County when I spent the summer there working in tobacco. I had worn it to the tobacco field in hopes of impressing some cute guy. Double "D'oh!"
Anyway, the point of all that is that while I have a cool Van Halen memory, my old friends, whom I haven't seen in years, have much cooler memories.

Last night's scene was much different than that show I saw at Hampton. The bell bottoms had been replaced by tapered dad jeans, and what little hair was left was topped by baseball caps. And I can honestly say this was the only major rock concert I've ever attended where I did not smell any marijuana smoke. And this time my seats were in the nosebleed section, but thankfully there was a huge screen behind the stage, to prevent us all from having eyestrain.
They opened with "You Really Got Me," and followed the same set list from Charlotte. Strangely, half the folks in my group insisted later that they played "D.O.A.," while the other half (including me) insisted that they didn't.
Dave seemed to have a few mic troubles during the first song, and there were a couple of times during the show where Alex seemed to lose the beat, but otherwise they were musically on it. Wolfgang Van Halen did an impressive job with the bass, and his and Eddie's backing vocals were good, but Michael Anthony's presence was missed.
Dave strolled the "S"-shaped stage, looking age-appropriate rock-starish in leather pants and a series of trim-cut blazers, including a military-style jacket to start off the evening. Eddie looking healthy and trim with close-cropped hair, went shirtless with a pair of white man-pris and some low-top sneakers. Wolfgang wisely stuck to all-black.
They played one of my favorite VH songs, "I'm the One," but DIDN'T do the "shooby-do-wah" breakdown -- probably because you really need Michael Anthony to do that. Instead they stopped, and Dave and Eddie hugged each other. They actually wiped tears away from their eyes as the audience roared. Other highlights included "Everybody Wants Some," "Somebody Get Me a Doctor," and "Ain't Talking Bout Love," which had every single person in the coliseum pumping their fists to the "Hey, Hey, Hey" part. Dave began "Ice Cream Man" with a rambling, but touching, story about getting high, shining a black light on a wall where people had been throwing darts, and imagining that the paint chips were stars. Apparently he met someone he lived with for several years while doing this, and "Ice Cream Man" was her favorite song.
But there were some definite low-lights, including Alex's drum solo, during which every woman in the coliseum, including yours truly, decided to take a bathroom break. I've never liked the song "Little Guitars," so I decided to take a little catnap (I have the ability to fall asleep anywhere and at any time except at night in bed). I was snoozing pretty nicely too, until Jessica elbowed me to ask me if I was asleep. That's why I can't say for sure if they played "D.O.A." or not. I swear they were still playing "Little Guitars" when I woke up, but I guess it's possible they did some sort of medley in the middle of that song.
The other stinker was "Jump," in which Eddie's guitar suddenly began emitting an ear-splitting, atonal wail. The look of disbelief on the faces around me was hilarious. It was so bad, that in the van ride home later, Chris kept going on and on and on about how this was the best concert he'd ever seen, that it was the best concert EVER, but he ended every word of praise with, "except for "Jump."
Friday, September 28, 2007
Bridges and Powerlines
Thursday, September 27, 2007
New Van Halen cartoon from the N&O
Monday, September 24, 2007
Megafaun among group robbed in Toronto
Make a video for Beloved Binge
"If you have any talents or better yet a complete lack of talent relating to the music video-making business, please do drop us a line at and we can talk camcorders, super-8, or whatever camera language you prefer. If you've seen other videos BB has made, you might understand why we're asking for your help. We'll give you cookies."
Get a head start by checking the band out tonight at Duke Coffeehouse with Yeasayer from Brooklyn, and Shapes and Sizes from Montreal.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The Moaners at MusicSPARK
I caught a couple of the bands at Lincoln Theatre last night, Regina Hexaphone and The Moaners. I actually got a short movie of Regina Hexaphone (it was their CD-release party), but later as I was video-ing The Moaners, my memory suddenly died, and I realized I still had some photos and videos from Europe on the card. I was faced with the decision of going back and deleting individual photos, or just wiping everything clean. I opted for the latter.
To make up for it, I got two videos of The Moaners, who ought to be a whole lot more famous than they are. I remember seeing Melissa Swingle in the very first incarnation of Trailer Bride, YEARS ago at The Cave. Her songwriting abilities and musicianship have grown over the years, but she hasn't lost any of her swampy, innocent charm. Drummer Laura King has some serious power, and is a good heavy rock foil for Melissa's bluesy tendencies. There were a couple of times when they seemed to be channeling Led Zeppelin.
Check out the videos!
The Moaners from Mann's World on Vimeo.
The Moaners from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Mann's World around the world!
During my recent trip to Europe, I decided to document a couple of the shows I saw over there. First up are two clips from a show on Friday, Sept. 7, at Roadrunner's Paradise, my favorite club in Berlin.
The first clip is from an English band called Steranko, whose frontman looked like a punk rock Borat and had a penchant for running around the club wildly. We spoke to him afterward, and he was actually a really nice, cool guy.
Next up was Poolstar from Berlin, who reminded me of Green Day, and whose members all wore matching white shirts and ties.
Finally, the next Friday, Sept. 14, we saw a French band called the Naive New Beaters at The Rock Cafe in Prague. They were sort of electro-pop with hip-hop tendencies, and a decidedly 1980s sense of style. Seriously, I haven't seen so many raglan-sleeved sweaters in one place since high school. I don't know how popular they actually are in Czech Republic, but there was actually a TV crew there to film them.
Contribute to the Mann's World camera fund!
Gentle readers,
After more than two years of taking photos and making movies of local bands, I've decided it's time for me to get a better camera. My little Nikon Coolpix has served me well, but it doesn't have the settings I need to take the spectacular band photos I would really like to take. So I'm doing something that makes me really uncomfortable: I'm begging you guys for money.
I realized recently that if every band I've ever photographed, and everyone on my Myspace Friends list were to send me $2, I would have more than enough to get a really nice digital SLR camera, either a Nikon D40 or a Canon Rebel. Y'all know I've been writing about local music for a long time, and except for my time at the Indy, I haven't gotten paid for it. I do this because I love it, not because it makes me rich. If I could figure out a good way to make cash from this blog, I would (I've yet to see any real results from adsense). In the meantime, I'm just going to stick my hand out and see what happens.
I promise that any cash I get from this will go directly toward buying a camera, which will be used primarily to take pictures of local bands. And I promise that once I get that camera I will make more of an effort to cover goings-on in Chapel Hill and Durham (I know I'm too Raleigh-centric). If I happen to get more than I need, I promise to donate the extra cash to the SPCA of Wake County, a fine organization of which I am already a member.
So, please consider donating to the fund, by going to PayPal and sending $2 to You will have my undying appreciation.
Catching up on MusicSPARK
I admit I'm not that familiar with Apples in Stereo, but this video is pretty catchy.
Here's another song, "Can You Feel It."
Here's the full line up of events for tonight
Sep 22: 9pm
Experimental Film + Music Show @ Downtown Event Center $5
Roger Flake's Films with music by:
Left Outlet
Odd International w/ Crowmeat Bob
Odd international w/ B-Nice
Sep 22: 7 pm
Indie/alt country/pop @ Lincoln Theater $12
Apples in Stereo
Regina Hexaphone [Record Release]
The Never
Sep 22: 10pm
House Music @ Riviera $5
Q-Burns Abstract Message
DJ Sleazy McQueen
Sep 23: 1pm
Classically in the Park @ Moore Square
NC Symphony and the Opera Company of NC
Sep 23: 4pm
Blues Barbeque @ Berkeley Café $10
Annual Triangle Blues Society Blues BBQ
Josh Preslar
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Hatchetfest needs you!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Go see Midlake for me
Friday, August 31, 2007
Rosebuds secret show
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Check out this site: Return to Comboland
I haven't had a chance to really peruse this site, but it looks pretty interesting. I'm glad to see the person who put it together included PKM, who, for my money, are one of the most underrated bands ever to emerge from this area, and who were always unjustly overshadowed by Nantucket.
Good Golden Dogs review
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Check out The Golden Dogs
Sunday, August 26, 2007
To-do this weekend

Even though I've been blogging since 2002, in some ways I feel like I really started only a couple of years ago. That's when I began taking photos and video with my trusty little Nikon and uploading the results to Flickr/Youtube. One of the first bands I documented in this manner was Dirty Johnny & the Make-Believes, who played at Slim's on Nov. 11, 2005. They'll be back in town this Saturday, again at Slim's, with the Straight 8's. As this picture from that November evening shows, they put on a rowdy show. Go see them.
The night before, the T's are playing an early show at Sadlack's for free! For those of you who hate driving to Raleigh (which is understandable, since I hate driving to Chapel Hill), they'll be at The Cave the night before. That will not be an early show, and as far as I know, won't be free.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Spark Con needs your help
There's a pretty amazing line-up for the Music Spark part of the festival, including Apples in Stereo, The Moaners, Bleeding Hearts and The Never.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Give the Hideaway some feedback
Hello and welcome to the Hideaway BBQ survey page. We welcome any concerns or comments you have about the Hideaway. We are trying to improve the Hideaway and we need your help. Please don’t be shy, say whatever you want, you won’t offend us. We really need some feed back from you. Do you still come to the Hideaway? What do you like/dislike about the food? Do you like the music? How do you feel about the price of shows? How do you like the staff? If you have stopped coming to the Hideaway could you tell us why and what we can do to get you back in here? Please be honest in helping us to improve the Hideaway. We have some new and exciting things happening here and we need your help to make the Hideaway, your HIDEAWAY!! Thank you for your time…………
OK, here's what I plan to tell them:
1. Bring back the mac & cheese
2. Hire a better waitstaff, or train the staff you have to be quicker, friendlier and more knowledgeable about what you have on the menu. This one pains me to say because I've been a waitress, and I know it's a difficult job, but I can honestly say I've never had good service at the Hideaway (the bartenders are great, however).
3. Have a late-night menu available during shows.
4. Consider dropping prices for weekday shows. Every time I go there for a show, I feel like I'm spending about $3-$5 more than the show is worth.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Valient Thorr tonight at the Brewery
Why don't more people have house parties in the country?
Mick Harrison from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Round up: Four bands, two clubs, one Raleigh block
Adult Film Makers from Mann's World on Vimeo.
Adult Film Makers A couple of doors down at Tir na nOg, Richard Bacchus and the Luckiest Girls were putting on a free show sponsored by WKNC. I swear, I can't figure out how Richard doesn't roast in that buttoned-up jean jacket he always wears. Here's their video.Richard Bacchus & the Luckiest Girls from Mann's World on Vimeo.
After Richard Bacchus, I headed back to the Pour House and caught The Heavy Pets very last song.The Heavy Pets from Mann's World on Vimeo.
My camera memory died at this point, which was too bad because I decided to go around the block to Slim's to see a Charleston, S.C., band called Leslie, rather than stick around for The Loners. These guys were strutting, bombastic blues rock, the type of band that hollers out "ALRIGHT" and "CAN YOU FEEL IT RALEIGH????" after every song. I think they really should be seen to be believed, but unfortunately you'll just have to take my word for it. Finally, I had no idea Uncle Kracker was even in town!